Funds Management and Superannuation

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Fund Manager Risk and Return projections: Are they realistic? (Working paper April 2019)

(with Rodney Maddock) Depositor Protection, Bank Liquidity Regulation and Taxation: Distortions affecting Superannuation (26 September 2018), published Australian Economic Review, 2019

MySuper Dashboards: Not so Super! (ACFS Financial Policy Brief, 2017-09, August 28, 2017)

Despite Superannuation Changes One Tax Loophole Remains (The Conversation, March 1, 2017)

Putting the Age Pension Assets Taper Test into Perspective (ACFS Financial Policy Brief 2017-01)

Retirement Income Policy: Australian Solutions to Behavioural Problems, McDonnell International Scholars Academy GLobal Meeting, Brisbane, September 22, 2016

Is a comfortable retirement out of reach of the average Australian (with Carsten Murawski and Roger Wilkins, Pursuit 23 August, 2016

Beyond April 2015 - The Long View on UK Pension Reform - International Trends and Consumer Behaviour (Contribution to Reform Conference)

FSI Recommendations: Superannuation and Retirement Incomes. ASFA Luncheon Melbourne, February 2015

Retirement incomes policy reform in Australia (Reform Symposium, London, 10-11 February, 2015)

Measuring Adequacy of Retirement Savings, John Burnett, Kevin Davis, Carsten Murawski, Roger Wilkins and Nicholas Wilkinson Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series Working Paper No. 5/14, March 2014

Rise of the super funds will shape financial sector, The Conversation 15 July 2013

Measuring Retirement Adequacy in Australia (with John Burnett, Carsten Murawski, Roger Wilkins, Nicholas Wilkinson) presented at 18th Melbourne Money and Finance Conference, July 1-2, 2013

Super funds: an investment vehicle for scientific research? (Op ed on The Conversation 25 February 2013)

The Age of Retirement (ACFS report for AIST)

(An ACFS report for AIST using data from the HILDA survey), March 2012Superannuation: Individual experiences over the past decade

(ACFS-KPMG report)Superannuation: Trends and Issues

 (ACFS report for AIST)12 per cent: What's it worth?

Self Managed is the Key (op-ed, AFR 16 April 2011)

Pension Fund Collaboration (with Christine Brown) 2009

Financial Wellbeing in Retirement (AFCS-Finsia Monograph)

ACFS FRDP 2010-03 Leverage and Self Managed Super Funds

"Good" Investing (presentation to ASFA, 2008)